A Detailed List of Data Integration Challenges

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Almost every business has developed the habit of collecting data that is generated from their business, say, transactional, social media, or data warehouse status, etc. These collected data may range from various formats and structures but the ultimatum of business owners is to integrate these data to get a 360 degree view of their customers and the data.

This unified view allows you to understand your business on a deeper level by deriving analytics and also helps making big business decisions. This is attained by automated data integration tools.

Data integration and integrity software market: Global industry analysis, insights and forecast published the following information. As per the report, the global market was valued at US$ 7,920.7 Mn in the year 2018 and is anticipated to reach US$ 20,044.9 Mn by 2026. In addition to this, the global market is expected to register a remarkable CAGR of 12.5% throughout the forecast years.

As much as businesses understand how important the data integration solution is but why aren't most businesses unable to implement it? Here are the 6 major data ownership challenges

The Heterogeneity in Data

Heterogeneous data is a group of wide range of dissimilar types of data.

Enterprises are collecting and storing data in large numbers and this dissimilarity in data formats is due to the emergence of schema-less data management. Yes, NoSQL. This is different from the traditional relational data management platform. As NoSQL format collects data either by hierarchy or by “Key-Value” format, which allows this approach to be less time consuming, less storage consumption and quicker operations. This schema-less approach has created a big uncertainty of data when it comes to management.

Not just the uncertainty but when it comes to common data integration challenges, the data generated by organizations are extracted from various departments or various data handling systems. These data management systems might not be handling the data in the same format, they could be different from one another.

Every database collects data in different formats, say, structured, and other data access unstructured data, and semi-structured. Integrating these data is a tedious process without a proper ETL tool in place. This does all the cleansing and loading of data into the warehouses for ingestion process.

The Large Volumes of Data

Integrating data is a time consuming process, especially when the process involves data from various formats structural formats. However, it is not the only obstacle, the volume of data is the factor which plays a major role in the time consumed for any data integration project typically involves it.

The traditional methods involved analysts reading, cleansing and loading the data into the warehouses all by themselves, this certainly consumed a lot of time. Not just time consuming, they were expensive and prone to error.

However, with the emergence of modern data management platforms, the whole process of the data governance, extracting, transforming and loading is carried out easily.

Businesses which deal with large volumes of data could be handling the data in different database, integrating these large volumes of data from different database is certainly a time consuming task. Pulling the data every and loading them all at once might not be the answer when it comes to dealing with large and effective data integration, but incremental loading is. Incremental loading is distributing the data into fragments and loading them at every checkpoint, this checkpoint selection could be made as per your business's preferences.

Incremental processing tackles any schema change issues with the existing ingested data. Let's take an example, your ecommerce business gets number of orders per day and the status of each order changes every now and then. These columns need to be updated as new statuses of the product comes in, here the incremental ingestion comes into play.

The old column is pulled which consists the product order confirmation data and new status updates are duplicated into the columns as it comes. This process removes the old column which consists of just the order confirmation details, this is basically to avoid replication of customer data further.

Data Latency

Data latency refers to the delay between the time data is generated, and the time it is available for analysis. This can be a major challenge when integrating data from multiple sources, as there may be delays in the data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) process. This can result in data being stale or outdated when it is available for analysis. To overcome this challenge, businesses need to ensure that they have a reliable and efficient ETL process and real-time data integration capabilities.

Data Security and Privacy Concerns

One of the biggest challenges with data integration is ensuring the security and privacy of the data. As businesses collect more data, they are also becoming more vulnerable to security breaches and cyber attacks. This is especially true when integrating data from external sources, which may have different security protocols and regulations. Ensuring that sensitive data is protected during the data integration tool and process is crucial to maintain the trust of the business users, customers and stakeholders.

Data Complexity

Data integration becomes more complex as the number of data sources increases. Data may be stored in different formats, schemas, and languages, requiring different processing and transformation levels. As a result, businesses need to have a robust data and integration tool and strategy that can handle the complexity of their data. This may involve using data integration tools that can handle the multiple data sources, formats and schemas and implementing data integration best practices such as data mapping and profiling.

The Quality of the Data

Integrations are brought to a business to study how it fares in the market with the use of analytics. This is outdated or invalid data, or incompatible data might not be showing but they could be present in the integrated data that you've garnered. Businesses might not be aware of it but the analytics obtained from those data would mislead your business as analytics are studied to make important decisions.

As addressed previously, replication of data is one major part of invalid/fake data analytics. If one bogus data is mixed up with all valid ones, it will still play a major role in the analytics front throughout every cycle of operations.

Not every database is capable of handling these structures of data, hence all these variety of structured data are brought together into one. Again, this successful data integration is also a time consuming process but once the integrations are made, the process works seamlessly and the relevant data then can be garnered with a proper analytics tool.

The quality of the gathered data is kept intact by having fitting data analytics management person for your business who scrutinizes the data as it comes. This is possible only when the data is present in small volume but what might be the case when it ranges upto millions of data? A specialized ETL tool needs to be in place to bring order to the data and study them real time.

We at Sprinkle, a platform built for the cloud, is capable of integrating data from any sources, combine datasets, integrate data together, automate data pipelines and provide actionable search driven insights.

Our seamless real-time ingestion data transformation process helps integrate your data and analyse your business.

FAQ Section

1. What is data integration?

Data integration is the process of combining data from different sources to create a unified view. This process involves extracting, transforming, and loading data into a single repository, such as a data warehouse, for analysis and decision-making.

2. What are common data integration challenges?

Common data integration challenges include handling heterogeneous data formats, managing large volumes of data, ensuring data quality, mitigating data latency, maintaining data security and privacy, and dealing with data complexity.

3. What tools are used for data integration?

Data integration tools, such as ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools, help automate the integration process. Popular tools include Talend, Informatica, Apache Nifi, and Microsoft SSIS.

4. Why is data quality important in data integration?

Data quality ensures that the integrated data is accurate, reliable, and valid. Poor quality data can lead to incorrect insights and poor business decisions.

5. How do data integration tools handle different data formats?

Data integration tools handle different data formats by transforming them into a standardized format during the ETL process. This transformation ensures consistency and compatibility across integrated data sources.

6. What is the role of data security in data integration?

Data security in data integration involves protecting data from unauthorized access and breaches during the integration process. This in general data protection regulation is crucial for maintaining customer trust and complying with data protection regulations.

7. How does data mapping work in data integration?

Data mapping is the ongoing process of matching data fields from different sources to a common schema in the destination system. This ensures that data is accurately aligned and transformed during integration.

8. What is a data warehouse?

A data warehouse is a centralized repository that stores integrated data from multiple sources. It is designed to support business intelligence activities, including querying and analysis extracted data.

9. What is a robust data integration strategy?

A robust data integration strategy includes planning, selecting appropriate tools, ensuring data quality and security, and continuously monitoring and refining the integration process to meet business needs.

10. How can data integration improve operational efficiency?

Data integration improves operational efficiency by providing a unified view of data, enabling better decision-making, reducing manual data entry, and automating data processes.

11. What is data governance in the context of data integration?

Data governance refers to the policies, procedures, and standards for managing data integrity, security, and quality during the integration process of cloud services. It ensures that data is handled consistently and responsibly.

12. How do automated data integration tools benefit businesses?

Automated data integration tools streamline the integration process, reduce manual errors, save time, and ensure that data is consistently processed and updated in real-time.

13. What is the importance of integrating data from multiple sources?

Integrating data from multiple sources provides a comprehensive view of business operations, customer behavior, and market trends, enabling more accurate and informed decision-making.

14. How does data integration impact customer data management?

Data integration consolidates customer data from various sources, improving customer relationship management (CRM) by providing a complete and accurate view of customer interactions and preferences.

15. What are data silos and how do they affect data integration?

Data silos are isolated data repositories that prevent data from being easily accessed or shared across an organization. They hinder data integration by limiting the availability of comprehensive data for analysis.

16. How can businesses ensure data accuracy during integration?

Businesses can ensure data accuracy by implementing data profiling, cleansing, and validation processes, and by using data assets using robust ETL tools that automate and verify data transformations.

17. What is a data lake?

A data lake is a storage repository that holds large volumes of raw data in its native format until it is needed for analysis. Unlike data warehouses, data lakes can store structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data formats.

18. What are the benefits of a cloud-based data warehouse?

A cloud-based data warehouse offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. It allows businesses to store and process large volumes of data without the need for on-premise infrastructure.

19. How do legacy systems impact data integration efforts?

Legacy systems often use outdated technology and data formats, making it challenging to integrate their data with modern systems. Specialized data integration approaches, tools and strategies are needed to bridge this gap.

20. What is data transformation in the integration process?

Data transformation involves converting data from its original format into a standardized format suitable for integration and analysis across disparate systems. This step is essential for ensuring consistency and compatibility across data sources.

21. How can businesses achieve seamless data integration?

Seamless data integration can be achieved by using advanced data integration platforms and tools, establishing clear data governance policies, ensuring data quality, and continuously monitoring and refining the integration process.

22. What is data profiling?

Data profiling involves analyzing data to understand its structure, content, and quality. This helps identify data issues and informs the development of effective data integration strategies.

23. Why is real-time data integration important?

Real-time data integration allows businesses to access and analyze the most current data, enabling timely and informed decision-making. It reduces data latency and ensures that insights are based on the latest information.

24. How does data integration support business processes?

Data integration supports business processes by providing a unified view of data, improving data accessibility, and enabling better analysis and decision-making across the organization.

25. What are some best practices for successful data integration?

Best practices for successful data integration include defining clear objectives, selecting the right tools, ensuring data quality and security, involving stakeholders, and continuously monitoring and refining the integration process.


In conclusion, while data integration presents significant challenges, addressing these through advanced technologies and best practices can transform how businesses operate and compete. Companies like Sprinkle, with their robust data and cloud based integration platform and real-time ingestion capabilities, exemplify how modern solutions can streamline the data integration process further, allowing businesses to harness the full potential of their data. As organizations continue to evolve in the digital age, overcoming data integration challenges will be key to unlocking deeper insights and achieving sustained success.

Written by
Soham Dutta


A Detailed List of Data Integration Challenges